4. Preserving nature as it is forever

A message from the Serengeti

After Professor Borner resigned from the Frankfurt Zoological Society, he began teaching at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He is also engaged in wild dog conservation programs and projects monitoring the number of gnus and zebras.

His work in the Serengeti is not yet finished. He now focuses on raising the awareness of young people in Tanzania, the next generation who will play an important role in protecting the Serengeti in the future. We need to prepare young people in Tanzania to address problems that the Serengeti will face.

Professor Borner thinks that population increase and climate change will be major problems. The more the population increases, the more land is required to support them. This threatens protected areas. In addition, climate change may change rainfall patterns, which may confuse animals seeking water in the dry season and they may die. This is not only an issue for the Serengeti, but for the entire world.

Professor Borner insists that it is very important for us to leave some areas for animals to have natural lives, which is also beneficial to humans.


"We also need to preserve natural areas. That's what we want instinctively," he said. Visitors to the Serengeti often say that they feel as if they have returned home even when they are visiting for the first time.

Keeping the Serengeti as it is forever is our hope to keep humanity healthy and happy as we keep this blue earth blue forever.


Prof. Markus Borner
