Story of Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS


Born on November 17, 1942
Economist, UK

Professor Emeritus, University of Cambridge

What is real wealth?

Can we or should we use all the earth's natural resources because we think they are free? Natural resources are essential for life, so can we use them without thinking of the people who will live on the earth after us? The world has both rich and poor countries. Why is this? Can poor countries escape their poverty tap?

Professor Dasgupta is an economist. Because his diverse research covers many fields, it cannot be easily explained here. For this reason, we focus on his major area of research, "What is wealth?" He has continued thinking about how we should maintain the wealth for our future generations.


Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS



Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta FBA FRS
