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  • Here are some websites that provide more information on Dr. Taroh Matsuno's activities. These are written for students of high school age and older, so some content may be challenging, but give them a try!

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The simulation models that Dr. Matsuno has been working on play a significant role in the field of climate change, which is currently recognized as a major global issue. Let's take a closer look at why simulation models are crucial in addressing climate change.

Have you ever heard of the term, climate change? Climate change is the long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns. Why does climate change occur, and what will happen in the future? Simulation models are the tools that allow us to predict and understand these phenomena.

Because of its significant impact on our daily lives, predicting climate change is crucial. For example, a rise in the average temperature of the Earth's surface can lead to the destruction of ecosystems and affect human health, causing conditions like heatstroke. Additionally, disasters such as typhoons, floods, and droughts are likely to occur more frequently and on a larger scale than at present. In this way, climate change has a profound impact on both our daily lives and the natural environment.

By using simulation models, scientists can predict the likelihood of climate change and the potential impact of such change, and can warn us of the risks. Based on these predictions, we can take appropriate measures, such as planning agriculture and urban development. In other words, we can minimize the impact of climate change by preparing for it in advance.

Simulation models benefit us in our daily lives. For example, weather apps on smartphones use simulation models to forecast the weather. This enables us to make informed decisions in the face of potential dangers, such as refraining from strenuous exercise on hot summer days or avoiding being near rivers or mountains during heavy rain.

In summary, simulation models are indispensable for guiding our daily actions and for planning future measures in today's world, which is facing serious climate change. If you are interested in the story of Dr. Matsuno, please learn about the weather, computers, and other things around you, and aim to become a leader who will steer the future of the Earth in a better direction!


Dr. Taroh Matsuno
