Story Guide

How did you like the story of Prof. Mohan Munasinghe?
This page helps you review and deepen your understanding of the story. Some of the content is available only in this story guide.

[Target Audience: 10 years and older]

Quiz game!

Q1: Prof. Munasinghe proposed four principles of Sustainomics as solutions for global issues. Please choose one that does not apply to these principles.

1. You should wait for someone to tell you what to do.

2. You should try to go beyond the walls in your mind.

3. You should implement solutions.


Q1: Prof. Munasinghe proposed four principles of Sustainomics as solutions for global issues. Please choose one that does not apply to these principles.

Answer: 1. You should wait for someone to tell you what to do.

Let's review the four principles of Sustainomics.

(1) Harmonizing the sustainable development triangle (economy, environment, and society)
Balance and integrate these three different goals.
(2) Empowering individuals to be proactive
You should think and take action by yourselves without waiting for someone to tell you what to do.
(3) Breaking down and transcending the barriers in our own minds
You should go beyond the four barriers (barrier in our minds, barrier between people, spatial barrier, and barrier of time).
(4) Implementing
Move beyond debates, and take action.

"1. You should wait for someone to tell you what to do." is the opposite action to the second principle. It is important for us to try to take action by ourselves.

Q2: Wealthy countries have destroyed the environment in the process of becoming wealthy. What does Prof. Munasinghe suggest poor countries do on the road to becoming more affluent?

Answer: 3. Poor countries can become wealthier without destroying the environment by using new technologies and methods.

The concept of balanced inclusive green growth (BIGG) shows that there are different pathways for sustainable development depending on the culture and social conditions of each country. First, rich countries should reduce their environmental load using new technologies. Poor countries could then develop without following the unsustainable path of rich countries because they can use new technologies to reduce environmental load.
Prof. Munasinghe does not say that we should prioritize either the economy or the environment, but he shows that it is possible to pursue economic growth while protecting the environment.

Important points!

There are four key principles that underlie solutions to global issues: (1) Harmonizing the sustainable development triangle (economy, environment, and society), (2) Empowering individuals to be proactive, (3) Breaking down and transcending the barriers in our own minds, and (4) Implementing

In sustainable development, rich countries and poor countries should take different paths.

More details!

Food for one week in rich and poor countries

Prof. Munasinghe showed that rich countries and poor countries should take different pathways for sustainable development. Here are some examples of such differences that he gave.

Food for one week

The photo on the left shows the food purchased weekly by a family in the western countries, a wealthy country. A lot of the food may not actually be consumed by the family in a week. The packaging is also beautiful.
The photo on the right shows the food consumed weekly by a family in a poor country in Africa. The food looks to be insufficient for this family. There are six in the family and the amount of food is much less than the amount of food purchased by the family in the western countries.
About one third of the food produced around the world is wasted. Although 800 million people around the world are starving, about a half of household food in the US and 30% in Europe is thrown out.

Which family should change their lifestyle? Of course, the family in the western countries should. If they do not purchase so much food, food and packaging waste can be reduced. They do not need to lower their quality of life, and it does not cost money; it will actually save them money. Even if they reduce their consumption of food, they can still maintain their affluent lifestyle. This is the reason that Prof. Munasinghe first asks rich nations to reduce their consumption.
The African family shouldn't reduce their consumption. They need more food and are living under unsustainable conditions. They should have more food, increase consumption, and become more affluent. However, on the way to becoming wealthy, they should take a balanced inclusive green growth (BIGG) path, using environmentally friendly new technology.


Prof. Mohan Munasinghe
