Original Conditions for Survival
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DATA 022
II. Human Activities Face limitations|
Consumption and supply of energy
II. 限界に直面する人間の営み|エネルギー消費と供給
The consumption of primary energy increases with the growth in the economy. Where will the consumption of primary energy grow most significantly in the future? This will offer an important perspective in the discussions on global environment problems. 経済発展とともに一次エネルギー消費量が増えていく。今後は、どの地域で一次エネルギー消費量が大きく伸びるのか。地球環境問題を考える上で重要な視点を与える。
Figure 2-27 Changes in the consumption of primary energy worldwide 図2-27 世界の一次エネルギー消費量の推移
Figure 2-27 is from BP. Energy charting tool. Primary energy: Consumption in MOTE. Retrieved July 13, 2017, from http://tools.bp.com/energy-charting-tool.aspx#/st/primary_energy/dt/consumption/unit/MTOE/region/NOA/SCA/EU/MIE/AFR/AP/view/map/. Reprinted with permission.
Figure 2-28 Changes in and prospects for the consumption of primary energy by region 図2-28 一次エネルギー消費量の推移と見通し・地域別
Figure 2-28 is from Table 2.2 World primary energy demand by fuel and scenario (Mtoe). World Energy Outlook 2015, p.69. © OECD/IEA 2015, https://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/world-energy-outlook-2015.html. License: www.iea.org/t&c


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